As dawn made its break at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday, I was walking in my yard and come upon my studio glowing with the lights on. I took a few seconds to pause and contemplate what was next in the new year. What will come out of this space from my hands? I know there will be new chapters in my memoir, a quilt—a belated gift for an artist friend, a series of new textile art pieces about the trees on our property, and many attempts at trying new techniques through 3 classes with Fiber Arts Take Two,
Last year my studio theme was "Nothing Precious." This was my reminder to cut things up and try different things, knowing that I was not cutting the Hope Diamond but a strip of fabric or painted paper. I will take "Nothing Precious" into 2024 but I will add "Keep Moving and Finish" as this year's mantra. Stay tuned for pics and progress.